Taking Early Retirement

I Retired Early | You Can Too!

Where to Invest or Not – Heard of John Pugsley?


If I were to describe my approach to retirement investing in one word, it would be unconventional. I march to the beat of a different drummer. Some would say that there is no drummer. I’m just marching. 🙂

In the fall of 2008, I found this web page: The Sovereign Society . It was eye opening to say the least. The web page talked about something I had never heard about and I was interested. Very interested.

The web page discusses derivatives.

I had received The Sovereign Society newsletter pitch letters about derivatives, going back to late 2006. This was way before derivatives became a household word – way before.

Now to be perfectly honest, I had heard of John Pugsley. And back in the early eighties, I had subscribed to a newsletter that John wrote. It was a little too “different” for me and I did not renew. But as newsletters will do, they kept me on their list and sent me info from time to time.

Something caught my eye in one of the newsletter pitch letters in the early nineties and I subscribed again. The price was much the same as it is now – $49. It was ten years later, but the story was much the same. I tracked the investments but I was busy raising a family and other things got in the way and I let me subscription lapse.

Fast forward to 2008. I saw this web page and it clicked. I don’t know if it is because I am in my fifties or what, but the writing was on the wall and John and his staff started making a lot more sense.

I am not writing to recommend John or his newsletter, The Sovereign Society, to get you to subscribe. You can figure that out on your own. What I do want you to take away from this post is that you need to be aware of publications that are not in the mainstream and that make you more aware of possibilities.

John’s newsletter first alerted me to PIIGS and told me to steer clear. PIIGS is an acronym that stands for Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain. These are countries that are teetering. Greece you have heard about, unless you were asleep like Rip Van Winkle. The country is in a hell of a mess – or as my Dad used to say – a mell of a hess. According to Pugsley, the other countries are close behind. So avoid investments in these countries.

BRIC is another acnonym for countries you need to be on the look out for. BRIC = Brazil, Russia, India and China. These are countries where profits can be made and are countries where John and his stff have been loooking at for two years, going on three.

I have done O.K. listening to John and his staff. To be honest, I have not made as much money as I could have, because some of the things they talk about are out there – too far – even for me.


For Taking Early Retirement (TER), I hope you are enjoying a great retirement or are close to that day!

Jeremiah John

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