Taking Early Retirement

I Retired Early | You Can Too!

October 19, 2010
by Jeremiah

Early Retirement – How Can I Make Money in the Market?

Working on my stock market trading program, has made me realize that the investing public are in for a surprise over the next few years. I’ll go out on the limb and say that the next few years that I am talking about will be in the neighborhood of 5 years. So figure things will get back to “normal” in late 2015 or 2016.

What does that mean? It means that gold is going to go up in price. It might fall back from where it is trading right now, but it will go up between now and say 2016.

How you buy gold might be a post for another time, but one way is to buy an ETF or an Exchange-Traded Fund. I’ll have a white paper coming out on ETFs in the near future that I will make available to my mailing list for no charge and I will have it for sale at my new website that I will announce in a few weeks.

The gold ETF symbol is GLD. You can buy shares at any stockbroker. Tell them you want to buy the ETF with a symbol of GLD. A recent price was $134. It might be more or less than that now, depending on when you read this article.

Maybe you saw my article back in May;Your Portfolio you know that if you are a buy and hold investor you are not making any money in this market. You need to be actively involved. Continue Reading →

October 11, 2010
by Jeremiah

Taking Early Retirement – Part Time Jobs

Does this sound familiar?

“Do you feel chained to your desk – at a job you don’t like – by the reality of having to earn money?

Most of us trade our time for money.

We may make a very nice living doing that … but we are never truly free as long as we punch a time clock – or have a boss telling us what to do.

We have to get up early in the morning every day … commute in the cold and dark … and put in long hours making money for someone else.

In the old days, you could at least look forward to your retirement freeing you from the drudgery (slavery?) of being a paid laborer. Continue Reading →

September 23, 2010
by Jeremiah

Early Retirement Asks – Got Enough Bread?

I think it was around 2001 that I received some literature and a sales letter in the mail from Ken Roberts and the US Chart Company. He was promoting TWMPMM which stood for The World’s Most Powerful Money Manual.

I wish I could remember what I paid for the course, but I can’t. I did find the course and the information it taught to be valuable, if only to realize that there was more than one way to skin a cat.

The course was a primer on the commodity and options market and how to trade these instruments. This world was totally foreign to me and having a couse like this was beneficial just by learning what was available and how the market worked.

I think Ken Roberts got out of the business in May of 2006. While there has been a lot written about Ken Roberts – both pro and con – I found him to be a good teacher and enjoyed the course he taught very much. Continue Reading →

September 16, 2010
by Jeremiah

Our Early Retirement Trip

We knew five or six teachers when we first got married. They lived either in our apartment house or near it. We were all a friendly bunch and belonged to a ski club together and did fondue parties and wine tastings.

We were both blue collar workers – me an electronics technician, and my bride was a secretary. Together we made more than they did by themselves and probably made more than two of them. But they had something we did not have.

Time off. They started back to school in late August and in less than two months had a couple of days off in October for Parent Teacher conferences. There was also a three day weekend for Columbus Day. Then a month later they got a week off at Thanksgiving. Then another month later they got two weeks off for Christmas.

They get every major holiday – Labor Day, Columbus Day, Pearl Harbor Day – O.K. maybe not December 7th; Pearl Harbor Day. But you know what I mean. They get days off that I didn’t even know they were days off. Continue Reading →

July 2, 2010
by Jeremiah

Independence Day!

I sent out a Twitter post this evening. It went like this, “Real Independence Day is when you live on your own, with your own, and by your own. Until then you are not free. I wish you all the best!”.

Last year at this time, I was not living on my own and by my own. I was still tethered to a 9 to 5 job, waiting for the day to arrive when I would be able to declare my independence. Little did I know that the day was just around the corner.

You might be close to that day or very far away. I can only guaranteee one thing. The time will go by very quickly. We make little milestones to make the week pass more slowly, and it seems to be working.

For example, we start the week with the Farmer’s Market. We get fresh vegetables, fruit, and dairy products. One treat is getting fresh locally made cheese. On Wednesday, we have Starbucks in the morning – a couple of lattes and some pound cake – as a treat. Wednesday night is salmon night. We get some fresh salmon and cook it on the grill. Yum Yum!! Continue Reading →