Working on my stock market trading program, has made me realize that the investing public are in for a surprise over the next few years. I’ll go out on the limb and say that the next few years that I am talking about will be in the neighborhood of 5 years. So figure things will get back to “normal” in late 2015 or 2016.
What does that mean? It means that gold is going to go up in price. It might fall back from where it is trading right now, but it will go up between now and say 2016.
How you buy gold might be a post for another time, but one way is to buy an ETF or an Exchange-Traded Fund. I’ll have a white paper coming out on ETFs in the near future that I will make available to my mailing list for no charge and I will have it for sale at my new website that I will announce in a few weeks.
The gold ETF symbol is GLD. You can buy shares at any stockbroker. Tell them you want to buy the ETF with a symbol of GLD. A recent price was $134. It might be more or less than that now, depending on when you read this article.
Maybe you saw my article back in May;Your Portfolio you know that if you are a buy and hold investor you are not making any money in this market. You need to be actively involved. Continue Reading →