Taking Early Retirement

I Retired Early | You Can Too!

Black Friday


I don’t know how it is where you are. In Santa Fe it will be in the low 40s today and tomorrow they are saying it might get to 50. There were good reports on CNN this morning about good shopping sales volume prospects for the day. I hope so. We need a change of attitude in the news so everyone can focus on something other than how bad everything is.

I didn’t get a chance to write anything yesterday, wishing you a “Happy Thanksgiving” and all that. We took off on Tuesday and spent time with the kids. It’s about a three hour drive to my son’s house and he had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off this week. So we decided to hit the road on Tuesday, and try to beat the mad rush on Wednesday, which we did. It was actually relaxing and the time flew by pretty quickly. We had a nice visit and got up this morning with him and left at the same time he did. He went to work and we came home.

We packed up a doggie bag of goodies yesterday and put them in the cooler, out in the car. We have plenty of turkey, sweet potatoes, a little gravy, some homemade cranberry relish and two pieces of pumpkin pie. We’ve got plans to go to dinner tonight with a few friends at a Bar-B-Q place nearby. It’s our second year for Friday, after Thanksgiving Bar-B-Q, and I am not sure if this qualifies as the beginning of an annual event or not.

Tomorrow is the day when you are supposed to spend a little money at a small business. We have a vet appointment to take our dogs in for shots. Does that qualify? As far as small business is concerned, I am back doing consulting work as of the twelfth of November. I have gotten several calls since we came back from vacation and I finally gave in. It’s not work I enjoy, but I know how to do it and have a pretty good reputation in the industry. The good part is that I can do everything online and do not have to travel or drive into town. That’s really good news with bad weather on the way.

I am also working on a copywriting course part time in the evenings. Copywriting is one of those things I have always wanted to do, and now I am going through my lessons to see if I can make a go at it. Copywriters can make six figures a year as in $100,000+. Frankly, I’d be happy getting started if I could make $2,000 a month take home. That would be $3,000 monthly billing, which apparently is attainable with six months experience. I’ll keep you posted on how I do.

This year is the second year in a row that I did not have to take a vacation day to take the Friday after Thanksgiving. Lots of places give their employees the day after Thanksgiving off as part of the days off package; but not at the places where I have worked in the past.  And I always had to take a vacation day if I wanted the day off. Of course I got the day off last year and this year because I’m not working. I retired early.


For Taking Early Retirement (TER), I hope you are enjoying a great retirement or are close to that day!

Jeremiah John

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